Diane Anderson, M.A.
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Individual Counselling
Relationship Counselling
Supervision and Consulting for Professionals
Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP)

Appointments Available
Mondays 1-3
Tuesdays 1-7pm
Thursdays 1-7pm​​​​​
I am very grateful to the people who have offered to share their experiences in working with me.

Make your relationship great again!

Take a stand on your own behalf.

When your relationship is good, work is good!

Life is an adventure to enjoy!

You can make it together!

Spring always follows Winter.

What are you handing down?
"Diane’s ability to get to the heart of the issue while creating a safe and comfortable environment for vulnerability is what sets her apart from all the others. Give yourself the gift of working with her. It’s one of the most loving things you can do for yourself."
TM (45), Entrepreneur, April 2012
"Diane really understands the struggles and obstacles relationships throw at you and can help you overturn them. She comes from the heart and Isn’t that the best place to start!"
Sheree Morgan, Professional Matchmaker (Match-Works Matchmaking) and Radio Personality, November 2011
"My relationships were a disaster. I was picking the wrong people for me…ones who were controlling and where I felt unequal. I was feeling so painfully alone that I became almost desperate to be with someone. This was so hurtful to me because I was stuck thinking I needed to stay with someone out of sheer desperation. I put all my focus and attention onto the other person and completely ignored what was important for me. Even more painful was that I was so afraid that I’d be stuck with these terrible relationships because I was so fearful of being alone. When I first met Diane, I felt an immediate connection with her. I felt understood and not judged about what I was doing. This was such a relief, as I had felt judged from others in the past. Even if I messed up, I knew it would be okay, that Diane would be there to help me figure it out. And I respected her. I remember one time where Diane laid it on the line and said I had “a decision to make.” I realized that she wasn’t going to just sit there and hold my hand for the next 10 years while I continued to hurt myself, but that she was really determined to HELP me. She was really there for me; she was being strong and her strength made me feel supported and strong myself. And that moment changed things for me. Now things are good, very good. I have been married for 3 years to a wonderful man and I have had my first child–something I always wanted. I credit Diane, for helping me with that. I am more equal in my marriage and in my relationships with my family. I am more confident. I feel good about myself and I believe I am a good person. I also forgive myself for what I did in my past and I don’t think I’m “bad” because of it. I accept myself, and I tell myself and others that each thing that happened to me was an opportunity to learn about me."
D.B., 38, Librarian, April 2006
"I am phoning to express my—well, I just can’t thank you enough for the time you spent int the session with my husband last night. (He knows I’m calling to thank you.) We are both so grateful for what you did for him. He said that that two hours was the best money that we have ever spent. He doesn’t say anything unless her really means it. This type of comment wouldn’t come from him if he didn’t truly mean it. We want to thank you for what you have done for both of us! You’ve given him hope that he can be the kind of father he longs to be and we know we both have a much brighter future together."
JG (34), Sales Executive, July 2008
"Diane, I came to you because I realized how cut off I was from my body: I did a lot of unconscious overeating and had frequent urinary tract infections, and avoided my most painful emotions. Being married for only a few years, I also was having a lot of difficulty in acknowledging how much I needed my husband. I couldn’t tolerate needing him so much and that made me distance myself from him. On one occasion, I got a pain in my gut when I wanted to talk to him and realized I could not reach him by phone. Despite having been in analysis, I was surprised to realize how cut off from my feelings and needs I was. I didn’t realize how anxious my sadness and anger made me. I also never realized how extensively I dissociated in response to my anxiety.
In working with you in the past 6 months, I have greatly decreased my episodes of unconscious eating and have lost 25 pounds. In our work together, I have become aware of how much anxiety I have had and now can pay attention to it. I also recognize the feelings underneath that are creating this anxiety. I now attend to my feelings and take good care of myself. My ability to be intimate in my relationship with my husband has increased and I can accept my need for him. I see that as a very positive thing to have."
Maggie, 45, Psychiatrist, May 2006
“Diane, you saved our marriage and I just wanted to thank you. We would no have made it without you. It’s been three years now since we came to you in that crisis. I think we are closer than ever.
LM, (52) City Planner August 2012
"After 35 years, I was still fretting over my marriage break-up. After all these years, I was very concerned and worried with how it may have impacted my adult children with their physical health and relationships. I had so much guilt. I also had a repetitious pattern in attracting the same kind of men into my life who were unavailable. As I longed for male companionship in my life, it was difficult to let them go. The emotional hurt I experienced at the hand of my mother as a child was also still affecting me at age 82. I came to see you because I was experiencing some physical health problems: especially problems with my eyes and a fatigue I had not experienced before. I wanted to see if my body wasn’t expressing something on a physical level that was connected to my emotions. Through our sessions, I have seen many changes in myself. I am more honest with myself about my feelings. I have begun to learn to accept and believe the compliments given to me by others, instead of feeling unworthy of them. I have developed a higher self-esteem. I am aware of my past tendency to let myself suffer in relationships as if I must put up with hurtful or abusive behaviour. I now state when I am hurt or angry or upset with someone. I can assert my needs and express my dismay. I can say no when I need to. I have learned to honour myself more and to forgive myself more. Now there is congruency between how I always appeared on the outside (confident, powerful, assertive) and how I really do feel on the inside (worthy, confident, loveable).
Being in therapy with you gradually brought things to the surface and helped me to be honest about situations for which I had felt unrelenting guilt or shame. A significant breakthrough was realizing how much of my life has been coloured by the emotional and verbal hurts from my mother. Another breakthrough was when I realized that I was right to take action in leaving a physically-abusive marriage. I am most proud of being able to cry during the therapy sessions. I know I am much healthier experiencing and expressing feelings at the time when unpleasant situations and remarks arise rather than ignore them at a cost to my emotional and physical well-being.
Diane, you have shared yourself humanly and professionally with me, providing a clear mirror from which my reflections show me my true self–both bright and shadow elements. From this picture, our work together has progressed amazingly well."
MD, 82, Retired, June 2006
"My relationships are closer and more honest now than they have ever have been. I’m no longer afraid to ask for what I need or want. In terms of my relationship with myself, I now realize I have a place on this planet. I laugh and enjoy my life more than I ever have. My trust level is still somewhat guarded but you’ve taught me how to not close myself off despite my anxiety. Diane, you are open, honest, compassionate, humorous (even when you don’t want to be), wise, a guide, well-learned. You are always growing and you’re not afraid to ask why. I can never repay you for what you’ve done for me. Thank you."
Jess, age 47, Events Coordinator, June 2006
"In the past year, I came to deal with the loss of three of my family members to cancer in a very quick succession. I was experiencing deep grief, anxiety, and depression. All my emotions for me, especially my anger, were suppressed and were coming out in the form of anxiety. I was having difficulty sleeping, eating, and working and had to take time off from my job. Even more troubling was my inability to feel connected to my partner and to feel any joy or interest in anything that I really cared about. I was anxious every time I approached a hospital, at times having panic attacks. I found it difficult to come to the sessions on days that I was anxious to face some of my complicated feelings towards my family members who had died. But your style of counselling helped me to focus on how and why I was feeling what I was feeling and what I was being so detached from. I found I could be more compassionate with myself.
I came to see you the first time four years ago for issues in my relationship. Now I came because of the impact the deaths of my family members had on my health. In working with you, Diane, I have learned that all emotions are healthy and important. Each one needs to be recognized in order to let it go and continue on. Each emotion needs to be recognized in order to be free from anxiety. Although my anger is still a bit of stumbling block at times, I’m definitely not afraid of it as I once was.
Looking back, understanding my emotions and becoming aware of how my body reacted to various situations has been huge. Counselling has helped me to reduce my stress and my anxiety to where the panic attacks are gone. I was able to return to work within a month of counselling with you. And I can now be close to my partner and am able to create a family with him. Therapy is challenging and difficult because it requires a leap of faith… and sometimes I needed a nudge towards the edge. I found your support and guidance invaluable. Thank you Diane."
T.B., 36, Gardener, December 2015